板换产品业务咨询: 0531-87265936
供热产品业务咨询: 0531-87219000
水务治理业务咨询: 0531-87266967
大气治理业务咨询: 0531-87268789
High pressure supply water heater uses discharge steam from steam
turbine to heat supply water of boiler, and makes supply water to reach
required temperature so as to improve thermal efficiency of power plant
and to ensure output of the unit.
Low pressure supply water heater
uses low pressure discharge steam from steam turbine to heat low
pressure supply water of condensation pump, makes supply water reach
required temperature so as to improve thermal economic performance of
power plan. Our company uses different design plans according to
different requirements of users, selects optimal steam and water flow
speeds, ensures good heat transfer and small steam resistance, and makes
vibration calculation, earthquake calculation of base, thrust and
thrust torque calculation of pipe seat. Low pressure heat exchangers
designed by our company include various types such as vertical smooth U
shape pipe and straight pipe. According to different needs, heat
exchange pipes can use copper pipe, steel pipe and stainless steel pipe,
etc. Reliable safety protective system is used, each low pressure
supply water heater has water level indicator, adjustment device and
warning device, discharge water level is adjusted automatically, warning
is given out at high water level so as to turn off the low pressure
heater. Safety valves are set on pipe side and casing side so as to
prevent overpressure.